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Showing 1–12 of 150 results

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10 Kg x 2 = 20 kg Olympic Weight Plates – Rubber Encased Cast Iron Olympic Weight Plates for Home Gym – Black – Olympic Cast Iron Weight Plates for Gym

Original price was: ₹6,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,450.00.
  • ERGONOMIC TRI GRIP: The ergonomic tri-grip on Olympic Weight Plates give you a firmer and sturdier grip on the weight plates, this makes the handling of these barbell weights easier while attaching them on to your home gym equipment or hold them in your hands while exercising.

10 kg x 2 Olympic Weight Plates for Home Gym | Cast Iron Weight Lifting Plates 20 kg | Exercise Olympic Plates for Barbell Rods

Original price was: ₹6,700.00.Current price is: ₹3,450.00.
These iron weighing plates are made of heavy-duty cast iron so that it is sure to hold up under a lot of resistance and duress. High-quality and long-lasting, each exercise weight plate weighs 10 kg.

2 Kg Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women Blue

Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹850.00.
  • Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes - 1 Pair of Dumbbell - 2 KG.
Vinyl dumbles for Men and Women 2 kg

2 Kg Vinyl dumbles for Men and Women Red

Original price was: ₹1,999.00.Current price is: ₹850.00.
Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes - 1 Pair of Dumbbell - 2 KG.

2.5 kg x 2 Olympic Weight Plates for Home Gym | Olympic Rubber Weight Lifting Plates 5 kg | Exercise Plates for Olympic Barbell Rods

Original price was: ₹1,600.00.Current price is: ₹1,100.00.
This PVC weighing plates are made of premium quality PVC with cement grit that is an ultra-durable, environmentally friendly non-toxic material and is resistant to chipping, cracking, peeling, and waterproof, rustproof. Each exercise weight plate weighs 1.5 kg. TOTAL WEIGHT - 2 KG X 4 = 8 KG. These weight discs can be used to perform muscle strengthening exercises and endurance training or to increase flexibility and balance.
Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women

3 Kg Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women Blue

Original price was: ₹3,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,800.00.
  • Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes - 1 Pair of Dumbbell - 3 KG.
Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women

3 Kg Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women Red

Original price was: ₹3,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,800.00.
  • Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes – 1 Pair of Dumbbell – 3 KG.
5 Feet Latex Elastic Resistance Band for Workouts

5 Feet Latex Elastic Resistance Band for Workouts Pilates Stretching Yoga Band

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
  • DESIGNED FOR SENIOR CITIZEN & REHAB LIGHT RESISTANCE WORKOUT - Yellow resistance band offers very gentle resistance tension SPECIFICALLY designed for senior citizen, rehab or anyone recovering from their muscle injury. Resistance training by senior citizen increases their strength and eases out their day-to-day tasks. This physical therapy pilates band is perfect for all your rehab exercises.
5 Feet Latex Elastic Resistance Band for Workouts

5 Feet Latex Elastic Resistance Band for Workouts Pilates Stretching Yoga Band

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹449.00.
  • DESIGNED FOR WOMEN BEGINNERS - Blue resistance band offers light resistance tension SPECIFICALLY designed for women beginners. With regular use, these heavy duty stretching bands will promote very good strength training and fitness development. This women Workout band stretches, tones & conditions all major muscle groups.
Vinyl dumbles for Men and Women

5 Kg Vinyl dumbles for Men and Women

Original price was: ₹3,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,850.00.
  • Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes – 1 Pair of Dumbbell – 5 KG.
Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women

5 Kg Vinyl Dumbles for Men and Women Blue

Original price was: ₹3,499.00.Current price is: ₹1,850.00.
  • Zebb Vinyl Dumbbells are a great assistant in a wide range of training and fitness exercises. Tone all over body muscles and enhance your body strength. Set includes - 1 Pair of Dumbbell - 5 KG.

5 kg x 2 Olympic Rubber Weight Plates for Home Gym 10 kg Plates for Olympic Barabel Rod

Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,750.00.
These PVC weighing plates are made of premium quality PVC with cement grit that is ultra-durable, environmental friendly nontoxic material and is resistant to chipping, crackling, peeling and waterproof, rustproof. Each exercise weight plate weighs 1.5 kg. TOTAL WEIGHT - 1.5 KG X 4 = 6 KG. These weight discs can be used to perform muscle strengthening exercises and endurance training, or to increase flexibility and balance.