Showing 13–24 of 48 results

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Chrome Finish Fiber textured Dumbbell Rods with Locks & Foam Padded Connecting Rod,

Original price was: ₹4,500.00.Current price is: ₹2,450.00.
dumbbell handle with Dumbbell connecting rod is constructed from heavy-duty steel, textured fiber grip handle for secure, firm, and non-slip grip. Fiber textured gripping surface allows for a secure grip and added efficiency while performing exercises.

Click to open expanded view Gym Cable Attachment (Option): Cable Cross D Handle, Tricep Rope, Seated Row Grip, V Tricep Press Down Bar and Triceps Handle

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,600.00.
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Deep Tissue Massage Roller Stick

Deep Tissue Massage Roller Stick Trigger Point Muscle Roller for Cramp, Muscle Soreness & Tightness

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹525.00.
  • TARGETS SORE, TIGHT MUSCLES & PREVENTS CRAMPS - With a deep tissue massage roller stick, you can target any tight & sore muscles fast. If you roll out the targeted area for about 5 minutes, you will notice a very quick release in tension & an increase in blood circulation to the area. This trigger point massage stick helps to reduce your calf, neck, back, quad, IT bands, shoulders, back, or hamstring cramps tremendously & targets pressure points to stimulate tissue recovery.
Deep Tissue Massage Roller Stick Trigger Point

Deep Tissue Massage Roller Stick Trigger Point Muscle Roller for Cramps, Muscle Soreness & Tightness

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹549.00.
  • TARGETS SORE, TIGHT MUSCLES & PREVENTS CRAMPS - With a deep tissue massage roller stick, you can target any tight & sore muscles fast. If you roll out the targeted area for about 5 minutes, you will notice a very quick release in tension & an increase in blood circulation to the area. This spiky massage stick helps to reduce your calf, neck, back, quad, IT bands, shoulders, back or hamstring cramps tremendously & targets pressure points to stimulate tissue recovery.
EVA Health & Fitness Massage Gym

EVA Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio Trigger Point Deep Tissue Yoga Foam Roller for Exercise, Fitness, Pilates, Pain Relief – 12 Inches

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹650.00.
  • FOAM ROLLER 12 Inches -This Yoga Foam Roller takes you from beginning to end of your fitness routine, helping warm up muscles and prevent injury, cramping, and muscle tension.Fitness Massage Roller provides durable support for heavyweight and repeated use.
best sports product like with hand strength exercise

Hand Finger Exerciser & Strengthener for Guitar Playing, Musicians, Sports and Therapy

Original price was: ₹999.00.Current price is: ₹450.00.
  • High-quality hand exerciser with spring-loaded finger piston technology.
  • Isolates and strengthens each finger individually for better overall coordination.
Hand Finger Exerciser & Strengthener for Guitar Playing

Hand Finger Exerciser & Strengthener for Guitar Playing, Musicians, Sports and Therapy

Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹399.00.
  • High-quality hand exerciser with spring-loaded finger piston technology.
Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio

Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio EPE Deep Tissue Yoga Foam Roller, 12 Inches – 30 cm

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹859.00.
  •  2 LAYER FOAM ROLLER - The perfect myofascial release tool for CrossFit, Yoga, Pilates, Weight Training, Bodybuilding, MMA and other exercise activities. With Exercise Foam Roller Relieve pain in your back, legs, neck, IT-Band, and shoulders by triggering blood circulation to sore and tight muscles
Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio

Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio EPE Deep Tissue Yoga Foam Roller, 18 Inches – 45 cm

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹849.00.
  • 2 LAYER FOAM ROLLER - The perfect myofascial release tool for CrossFit, Yoga, Pilates, Weight Training, Bodybuilding, MMA and other exercise activities. With Exercise Foam Roller Relieve pain in your back, legs, neck, IT-Band, and shoulders by triggering blood circulation to sore and tight muscles
Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio Trigger

Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio Trigger Point Yoga Foam Roller

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹850.00.
  • FOAM ROLLER - Deep Tissue Self-Massage is Cheaper than Physical Therapy and can be Performed by YOU.This Fitness Massage Roller provides durable support for heavy weight and repeated use.
Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio

Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio Trigger Point Yoga Foam Roller

Original price was: ₹1,499.00.Current price is: ₹859.00.
  • FOAM ROLLER - Deep Tissue Self-Massage is Cheaper than Physical Therapy and can be Performed by YOU.This Fitness Massage Roller provides durable support for heavy weight and repeated use.
Health & Fitness Massage Gym

Health & Fitness Massage Gym Physio Trigger Point Yoga Foam Roller

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹889.00.
  • FOAM ROLLER - Deep Tissue Self-Massage is Cheaper than Physical Therapy and can be Performed by YOU. This Fitness Massage Roller provides durable support for heavy weight and repeated use.