- ERGONOMIC TRI GRIP: The ergonomic tri-grip on Olympic 10 kg x 2 = 20 kg Weight Plates give you a firmer and sturdier grip on the weight plates, this makes the handling of these barbell weights easier while attaching them on to your home gym equipment or hold them in your hands while exercising.
- VERSATILE: Weight plates work by stabilizing your muscles, these exercise equipment gives you the freedom to keep your movements as natural as possible while giving you the chance to accomplish more as you workout. Use these Olympic weight plate discs as dumbbell weights for performing a set of squats, plate overhead lunge, plate floor press, bent-over row, and many more. The diversity of these Olympic weight plates help you tone every muscle in your body, resulting in a total body workout.
- PROTECTION ON IMPACT: The rubber casing on the OLYMPIC WEIGHT PLATES, acts as an additional layer of protection, to sustaining minimal damage to your floors, if the weight plates were to fall, at the same time the rubber casing reduces the noise caused by the cast iron weight plates when they hit the floor.
- GUARANTEED By Zebb: offers one of the largest collections of home exercise products on Amazon. All our products are made in a facility that supplies to international brands. Durability Yet Affordability is what we strive for. Sold exclusively by AND Retails with positive customer feedback of 99% and having served more than 1.5 million customers as of 2019. With Zebb you can shop with confidence.
- SOLD IN PAIRS: OLYMPIC WEIGHT PLATES 10 kg each palate in pair of rubber encased cast iron Olympic weight plates. These weight plates are compatible with 2 inch Olympic barbell rods. Each rubber encased cast iron weight lifting plate weighs 10 kg (22 lbs.) the bore diameter is approx. 2 inch (5.8 cm) for Olympic Barbell Rod, while the plate’s diameter is approx. 12.5 inch (31.75 cm). You are considering our Black 10 kg (x2) Olympic weight plates.
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