- X RESISTANCE TUBE – This resitance band for workout for men & women both is perfect For building muscle and shredding fat. Get the ULTIMATE Total Body Workout with Toning Tube Resistance Bands. They are Perfect for Muscle Building, Fat Burning, Weight Loss, Cross Fitness Training, Pilates, Yoga and Improving Fitness Levels. This X resistance tube for workouts target all your muscle groups through a full range of motion for increased strength and toning, without any machines.
- VERSATILE RESISTANCE TUBE EXERCISE BAND – The resistance tubes for exercise are very versatile and are easy on the joints. This resitance band for workout offer a surprisingly varied number of training exercises by simply changing your bodily position in order to change the tension on your muscles. With this X resistance band for men & women both, you can do just about any type of strength training exercise — chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, bicep curls, and even squats
- TRAIN WITH COMFORT – The exercise resistance ropes are made from premium quality elastic rubber for durability and resistance. They have soft foam D-handles, pre-attached, for continued comfort during repetitive movements. Cushioned foam handles of this X reistance band for women and men provide comfortable and slip-free grip. This means easier resistance tube training for both men and women alike!
- FITNESS ANYWHERE – 4-Way X Resistance Band Is a great fitness training tool For getting your upper and lower body toned & more flexible. Increase muscle tone, strength, and flexibility as You work Abs, Arms, Buttocks, Thighs, Glutes and Legs. resistance toning tube are lightweight, easy to carry and great for home, gym and travel. Also this resistance bands for exercise workouts are Lightweight & Compact For Convenient Portability.
- COMPATIBLE – Resistance band for workout for men & women both. Package Contents 1 Total body Exerciser X Resistance Tube Band
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